🛢Campaign Funnel Setup
Step 1.1 - Copy over the Funne...
Step 1.1a - Update Campaign Settings
Here we will change the Name, Path, and Domain.

- Changing the name is straightforward, just type in the new name and hit save.
- Change the path name to something that is more representative of the campaigns name.
- for example here we might change it to "/99-new patient special"
- Change the domain. More than likely you will need to setup the domain and you can do that by clicking on the shortcut to the client domain settings.

Next we'll Add the custom domain to HL by typing the subdomain we're using into the text boxing and clicking "Add"

You'll need to use the information on this screen and then go to the clients registrar / DNS settings. In this example, the clients DNS is with Cloudflare, but could be elsewhere... for example GoDaddy.

Go back to HL and after clicking "Add" in the previous step, you'll need to link the new domain to our funnel.

Updated 25 Mar 2024
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